Impacked App

Our innovative mobile app enables consumers to instantly assess the environmental impacts of food products, empowering them to vote with their money.

Team Roles

Gabriel Erwin | UX Designer

Stef Maltos | UI Designer

Braysin Cupp | UX Researcher


One Month | Design Sprint


Our target user aspires to mitigate their environmental footprint, driven by a profound belief in the imperative of planetary well-being and the urgency of addressing pollution across various domains. By acknowledging this user's commitment, we recognize the multifaceted challenges they encounter in their quest for sustainable living.

Offering a solution tailored to this objective would not only facilitate the reduction of their individual environmental impact but also furnish invaluable insights into their daily consumption patterns. Empowered by transparency, our user gains the capacity to make informed choices, thereby contributing meaningfully to environmental health on a personal and global scale.


Our resolution entailed the development of a barcode scanning application designed to educate users with comprehensive insights regarding the environmental footprint of all products people buy. From the food we eat, to the cars we drive, to the shirt on your back. We have appropriately named our app solution, "Impacked."

Subject Research

User Research

Key Considerations in Addressing Global Warming:

  1. Plastic Pollution

  2. Balancing Consumer, Corporate, and Governmental Influence

  3. Assessing the Cost of Plastic Alternatives and Their Availability

  4. Corporate Practices: Pricing Dynamics and Promotion Strategies

  5. Examining the Benefits and Drawbacks of Plastic Usage, including Recycling Limitations versus Durability

  6. Exploring Alternatives with Comparable Properties and Strength

SWOT Analysis


The objective behind crafting these wireframes was twofold: firstly, to outline the user flow of the application, capturing its essential progression; and secondly, to establish a clear and intuitive layout across its various stages. Beginning with the initial launch, transitioning seamlessly to a readily accessible scanner interface, and culminating in a comprehensive data library, the aim was to furnish users with a multifunctional tool capable of serving as a robust sustainability rating search engine for diverse products

Using location data, personal preference data, and search data; results could be tailored to each user individually. With the added benefit of having a search engine function so that all products sustainability ratings are accessible with just a few clicks.

Rapid Prototyping

We employed a rapid prototyping methodology to efficiently refine our concept and expedite its development. This approach enabled us to swiftly iterate, resulting in a functional prototype ready for user testing. It represents the initial phase of a broader vision, laying the groundwork for further enhancements and iterative refinements in the future.


Are you an environmentally conscious consumer seeking relief from the frustrations of shopping?

Our solution aims to assist by:

  1. Employing our comprehensive rating system to analyze products thoroughly.

  2. Offering transparency regarding the environmental impact across various manufacturing factors.

  3. Ensuring you never overlook essential purchases, such as milk.

  4. Instilling confidence in your purchasing decisions, enabling you to wield your financial influence effectively

Check out our MVP in Figma below.


Austin Parks & Recreation | Web Module